All posts tagged featured

Sustainable Living Tips to Keep Your Summer Green

Sustainable Living Tips to Keep Your Summer Green

Summer is a time for families and friends to come together and enjoy the great outdoors. Don’t forget that small changes can help you go green or live a sustainable lifestyle this season. From all natural sunscreen to tips to lower your electric bill, we have you covered from head to toe.

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The United Nations Predicts Green Job Growth Worldwide

The United Nations Predicts Green Job Growth Worldwide

The next two decades could bring about 60 million new green jobs according to a report by the United Nations. Nearly half of the global workforce is expected to be affected by the greener global economy, especially with energy efficiency jobs and renewable energy careers.

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The Unfortunate Truth of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Unfortunate Truth of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Our obsession with convenience and greed has created the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a testament to the true ignorance of our modern world. Uncover the facts about this pile of trash, larger than Texas, floating out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

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Banned! Vermont is the First State to Ban Fracking

Banned! Vermont is the First State to Ban Fracking

In a move largely symbolic, Vermont has banned the practice of hydraulic fracturing or fracking to help curb environmental damage and water contamination. Vermont is hoping this ban will be the model for other states to adopt, pushing for greater respect of our planet and resources she holds.

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The Push for Energy Independence Stimulates Green Job Growth

The Push for Energy Independence Stimulates Green Job Growth

The drive for energy independence in America has begun to stimulate local economies and could begin to stem the tide of the economic downturn. Our workforce and planet are screaming for something to change and green jobs associated to energy independence could produce hundreds of billions of dollars in new wealth.

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Keeping Dangerous Medicines Out of the Water Supply

Keeping Dangerous Medicines Out of the Water Supply

Pharmaceuticals such as birth control, anti-depressants, vitamins and antibiotics have been found in millions of American’s drinking water. Studies have shown that genetic mutations have occurred in fish, birds and amphibians because of this problem and now scientists are concerned about your health.

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The Most Important Reason to Go Green

The Most Important Reason to Go Green

The poll results are in, the most important reason to go green has been revealed by our users and the answer might shock you. Though we must remember, the reason is not the important part, it is our actions, so do your part and go green.

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Fracking May Be Poisoning Our Children’s Air

Fracking May Be Poisoning Our Children’s Air

The fracking industry continues to be under fire for environmental concerns. A new three year study finds that fracking processes are releasing cancer causing toxins right across the street from public schools and our children.

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Green Jobs are Flying High with Wind Energy Production in America

Green Jobs are Flying High with Wind Energy Production in America

As the wind energy sector creates renewable energy jobs tax credit woes could unravel all the gains. With a projected $145 billion to be invested over the next five years the President and Congress must stop the green jobs from blowing away in the wind.

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Bright Outlook for Green Jobs Associated to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Bright Outlook for Green Jobs Associated to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric vehicle demand is increasing and some experts anticipate that EVs will be 60 percent of the cars on the road in 20 years. This growth must answer the “range anxiety” issue by building out a large EV charging station infrastructure. This build out leads to a bright outlook for associated green jobs.

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