Green Products

sustainable clothing helps to reduce these impacts by using environmentally friendly materials and production methods

Ways to Make Your Clothing More Sustainable

Choosing sustainable clothing is another way for environmentally conscious people to do their part to minimize their impact on the planet’s ecosystem.

Sustainable clothing refers to clothing produced by companies that use environmentally friendly methods and materials. The clothes have a minimal impact on the planet’s ecosystem throughout its lifecycle.

Even as people continue to search for ways to make their lives more sustainable, including eco-friendly technologies for home use and electric vehicles, clothing can sometimes fly below the environmental radar. Let’s take a look at some of the ways to make sustainable clothing part of your life.

Six Tips to Make Your Clothing Sustainable

You have a closet full of clothes that you’re reasonably sure has more of an impact on the environment that you feel comfortable with. The following offers tips to address that issue and make your clothing sustainable.

Look For Sustainable Material

Take the time to research and shop for clothes made from sustainable materials. This includes organic cotton, hemp, linen, bamboo, or other natural and sustainable fibers. These materials are biodegradable and have a lower impact on the environment than synthetic materials.

Pick Quality Over Quantity

Invest in well-made clothing that will last longer instead of cheap, disposable fashion. High-quality clothing is often made from better materials and will not wear out as quickly, so you won’t need to replace it as often. Avoid “fast fashion,” a term that refers to clothing produced quickly and inexpensively to meet the latest fashion trends. It is known for its poor quality and short lifespan.

Take Better Care of Clothes

You can have less of an impact on the environment by simply taking better care of the clothes you have and avoiding the need to buy more. Closely follow care instructions on the label, wash your clothes in cold water, and air-dry them instead of using a dryer. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they can harm the environment.

As Harper Bazaar points out, this might work easier with clothes that are expensive because people tend to take better care of such clothes due to the cost involved in buying them. “But this goes for everything hanging in your wardrobe,” the magazine noted. “Look after them properly and you will have to replace things less often. From caring for your cashmere to washing your denim inside out, go the extra mile to ensure your clothes stay at their best for longer.”

Shop in Second-Hand Stores

Buying used clothing is an excellent way to reduce the demand for new clothes and save resources. You can find great deals at thrift stores, consignment shops and online marketplaces.

Support Sustainable Clothing Brands

Look for clothing brands that make sustainability and ethical practices a priority in their manufacturing and supply chain. Research their sustainability efforts before making a purchase. Some of the better known sustainable clothing brands include Girlfriend Collective, Outerknown, Everlane and Nudie Jeans.

Repurpose and Recycle

When you no longer wear a piece of clothing, consider repurposing it into something new or donating it to someone who can use it. If the clothing is too damaged for reuse, recycle it in textile recycling programs.

Why Choosing Sustainable Clothing is Important

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, accounting for up to 10 percent of the global carbon dioxide output. That’s more than international flights and shipping combined. In addition, the fashion industry has significant environmental impacts such as water pollution and waste generation.

Sustainable clothing helps to reduce these impacts by using environmentally friendly materials and production methods. It also helps conserve natural resources such as water, energy and raw materials. By following the tips above and choosing clothing materials that are renewable, biodegradable and require fewer resources to produce, you can promote social responsibility.

Ultimately, the high-quality materials used in sustainable clothing means they last longer than fast fashion clothing. This reduces the need for frequent replacements, resulting in less waste and a smaller environmental footprint.

Choosing sustainable clothing and practices that ensure longevity for your clothes helps reduce the negative environmental impacts of the fashion industry while also promoting responsible consumption and production practices. Those are causes every environmentally aware person can get behind.

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