Water Conservation

The state of California is now mandating certain regulations on water used in households and in industries.

Common Water Guzzlers to Consider During the California Drought

California is entering its fourth year in a drought, and the majority of the state is experiencing extreme to exceptional drought conditions. Since California State Governor Jerry Brown declared the drought a state of emergency in January 2014, vegetation is visibly drier and there has been a decline in river flow and water levels in lakes and reservoirs. Long-term impacts of this drought can also been seen in the decline in groundwater levels, damage to various ecosystems, seawater intrusion and land subsidence (land falling in on itself).

Cut Back on Water Guzzlers

Common Water Guzzlers to Consider During the California DroughtThe state of California is now mandating certain regulations on water used in households and in industries, such as agriculture and manufacturing. Residents are urged to be water-smart and to conserve their overall use. According to UC Berkeley researchers, residents should only be using 35 gallons of water per person, per day; however, most people use more than 50 gallons. To help reach this goal, you can cut back on these common water guzzlers listed below:

Swimming Pool

Deciding to keep your pool filled during the drought does not mean you’re wasting water. However, it is wasteful when you find yourself continually filling the pool as a result of dropping water levels. To avoid constantly filling your pool, invest in a solar pool cover that prevents 90 to 95 percent of water evaporation from the sun, which helps you avoid having to add more water and contributing further to the drought. Inspecting your pool for any cracks where water can leak prevents the loss of thousands of gallons of water. It’s also a good idea to keep the water level lower during the drought so less water is lost to splashing or rough housing that happens in the pool.

Lawn and Garden

The easiest way to cut back your water usage on your lawn and garden is to join the majority of Californians and stop watering your lawn all together. Billboards throughout Southern California are featuring @Lawn_Dude who’s reminding residents not to hose him or that he only needs water twice a week (for those who are not ready to part with their green lawns). Other billboards are sporting @Lawn_Dude wearing all brown covered in succulents urging Californians to ditch their thirsty plants for drought-resistant greenery, like succulents and desert plants.

If you find yourself reaching for the hose, ensure you have a shutoff nozzle to prevent drinking water from leaking. As an incentive, look into any rebates offered by your city or county for replacing your grass with artificial turf or drought-resistant plants, installing micro-irrigation or using rain barrels to collect fresh rainwater.

Household Appliances

Most household appliances, such as toilets, washing machines, dishwashers and faucets, are guilty of water guzzling. Install water-saving aerators on all household faucets to help with this problem. When buying a new washer, check the consortium for energy efficiency and compare resource savings among the various models. Water-conscious models save up to 20 gallons of water per load. Toilets account for 30 percent of an average home’s indoor water consumption, so upgrade your old toilets with WaterSense models that help conserve the resource.

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